This picture is his claim to fame.Only the other month he caught an 11lb 'GOLDEN' Trout and won a Trout Master award in the Trout fisherman magazine.He was so chuffed. He's so lucky.he always seems to win things!!!He's now after a 2009 badge!
Anyhow with all this inspiration flying around in my head(ive something else too now! to add with the pigment powders, but not telling yet.You will just have to come back!!)It certainly wont be finished today though!
Have a great weekend
What a talented family you all are. It's nice when you can craft and shop guiltfree isn't it. I know you design for The Stampman and if your husband played rugby for Wharfedale I assume you are local to Skipton. If so we must be nearly neighbours. I live in Wharfedale too!
Hi, love browsing the blogs..and what a chunky hubby eh!
Like you, my hubby has his hobbies, the current one is flying scale Model heli's - radio controlled ones that is, he is at a "meet" today tra la.... (17 May) and yep, his hobby costs loads more than mine! hehe..AND I have just ordered Mica powders and other bits from Stampman site...after looking and printing off the "how to" by Jill.
Love the tags and all the other stuff...hugs. denmo xx
Debbie Dolphin,
Fabulous blog and your work is beautiful!
I live in London now, but was born in Yorkshire - what part are you from?
Definitely back to visit and soak up all of your work.
Can I put a link to yours on mine?
Elaine x
Denmo-thanks for your commentS--sooo funny!!!think i will have to post photos of him more often!!!hee hee nearly pee''d myself ha ha
Elaine- yes put a link on i will you too on mine
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