Hi Everyone!!!Im still here!!
Hope you are all having a great start to the New Year.
I'm actually having a little difficulty getting back into it!!Not that i dont want to as Im itching to and grab every single moment I can in my craftroom,but just not getting the chance.Its been Emmerdale week here with the big story lines etc and living so near,my two(and hubby) are hooked!!Which means I have to watch it too!!lol Then I get comfy by the fire ,then have a bath and well thats it,crafting is out!!!So hence the lack of it.What a sad bunch we are.!!!!lol
Anyhow for the card below I have used some of my Christmas pressies.Yes Hero stamps.Always a big favourite of mine(thats how I found The Stampman all them years ago).
The papers are out of my stash which is part of my New Years Resolution BEING-I must start to use them and not stroke them!!!!I have so many just sitting there its such a waste really!!!(I really dont think Im alone here!!!)

This card is for my Japanese penfriend Kiyomi for the lovely Christmas goodies she sent me.
Hopefully This weekend Im going to do my best to CRAFT!!!!!!!!(Kids are you reading this!!!)lol
Byeeeeeeeee for now
Debbie xxx