If your wondering what im waffling on about, then a project i did back in the summer has made it into January edition of Craft Stamper and well I feel I'm dreaming!!! Ive always wanted to appear in a craft mag especially this one.I keep pinching myself to make sure im not!!!!
Also if your about tomorrow Jill(The Stampman ) is on Create and Craft at 12-00 and freeview 36 LIVE with Tracey Coates demoing Traceys new stamps so tune in.
Good Luck Jill xx
Bye for now and have a great weekend.
Debbie xxx
OOOOOOOOOw, how exciting, congratulation and well done, you deserve it. No wonder your're thrilled.
Wow! Congratulations, Debbie! Your sneak preview looks tantalisingly gorgeous. Can't wait to see it in all its glory.
Wow!! that's fantastic Debbie!! No wonder you are on a high it's the best magazine on the market!!! Well done xx
Congratulations Debbie! I have already got my copy and love your project, well done. Enjoy your weekend. Lynne x
Well look at you, a published crafter. I feel honoured to know you. That's absolutely fantastic Debbie. I can't wait to get my copy to have a good look. It looks like those beautiful butterfly stamps you inspired me to buy several months ago!!
I agree this is one of the best mags about. I'm just sorting out my subscription now 'cos it's so hard to find around here!! Either that or all the crafters are getting there before me!!
Enjoy your fame and have a great weekend.
I had my copy today, it is a lovely project, well done let's hope the first of many Bee
Well done debbie! I'll have to go find mine which arrived today and I put down somewhere to read later!
Its a fab mag, well done for your feature x
Congratulations! I'll be rushing out to get my copy ASAP! It looks beautiful!
Fantastic news Debbie, Congratulations, can't wait to get a copy of the magazine. Your sneeky preview looks fab. I will be watching Jill & Tracey at midday.
Christine xx
Must go and get my copy, wow Debbie
you are a celeb now I shall have to come up there and get you to sign my copy lol!! well done Debbie like your style
Tracey xx
It is a fabulous article hun ... Congratulations X
Well done Debbie! I was browsing through the copy early on Sat morning at the craft retreat and said to my friend Emma - this looks like Debbies work - then burst out laughing when i saw your name - hun I obviously admire your work so much I can pick it out now! Love the article - well done you its fantastic to see someone I know in print :0) Huge hugs x Janet
Thankyou all so much im still pinching myself!!Thanks for your comments xxx
Wow Debbie
thats so wonderful, was with Janet when she realised it was your work, we're so thrilled for you.
x Michelle
Finally got a chance to read it and wow well done you! Fab article and such an honour to be featured x
Congratulations on your article in Craft Stamper. I've seen it in print and it looks very lovely Kate :-)
Hi Debbie,
Haven't been over to your blog in a little while so hadn't realised that your project was in this months Craft Stamper until I saw it today in WHSmiths!! Your project looks truly stunning and I am looking forward to reading it in more detail later as on the strength of you being in it I went ahead and bought a copy!!
Well done you!!
Love Kay xx
Hi Debbie, got my copy today and this issue is superb. Nice to see your photo, only had a quick look through but from what I have seen it will keep me absorbed for a while.
Have decided to subscribe as they are offering Kay's 1st DVD when you join. How fab is that and good to know both of you are involved.
Love & Hugs
Christine xx
Although I was one of the first to know about it (after Helen heard your screams of delight in the shop), I'm probably the last to leave a comment about it... I'm really behind with leaving comments at the moment! But I am so pleased for you and proud of you, I've seen you develope you own style over the years and knowing your dream has finally come true is fantastic! You thoroughly deserve it and I hope it won't be the last time we see you in print:)
Well done me dear!!
Jill xxx
Well deserved! Your cards are always amazing. Enjoy the day!
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