Tuesdays Taggers Blog Hop Celebration

Morning All!! Glad your joining in the fun.
If your taking part in Tuesday Taggers Blog Hop Celebration well you should of arrived from TERI'S BLOG and if so you are on the right track.

If you haven't and you all want to join in well the start is MICHELLE'S BLOG so please do, it should be great fun.

Iam sponsering a prize from Aspects of Design 'Starburst Fairies' by Tracey Coates.Below are a couple of cards I have made with the stampsheet.Details on the HOW are below on a previous post.

Here is the Starbust Fairy Stampsheet
Ok back to the fun.The letters your wanting from me is a ........


Right now you want to go on to EMMA'S BLOG

Thankyou and good luck.

bye Debbie


Irit Shalom said...


Sally H said...

Gorgeous cards, Debbie! I would love to win that plate!

Lisa said...

Hi Debbie, Wow such beautiful cards! Such pretty colours and sweet images. Now off to visit the next blog.

Lisa x

Unknown said...

Debbie thank you so much for joining us on the Hop today, I am sure everyone is going to want to win the prize.....Hugs Avril xxxx

Christine said...

Hi Debbie, the blog hop is fun, a wonderful way to start a Sunday.
Love all of your work, especially these two cards.
Off to check Jo's blog
Christine xx

Julye said...

lovely little fairies such fun and cute thanks Jullye

Unknown said...

wow these are stunning...hugs nikki xx

Lil Daffodil said...

Hi Debbie,
Your cards are great. I love the colours and images.
Fiona x

Sarah Anderson said...

Hi Debbie, these are beautiful, such yummy colours, and they work so well with the cuttlebug folders. I have this plate so don't enter me in the draw! x

Unknown said...

Debbie could you change your hop on from JO to Emma, I am really sorry, but the link is broken at the minute, I am away to sort out the last letter.....Hope you get this in time....Hugs Avril xxxx

Nicola said...

Stunning cards, as always, thanks for the blog hop. Nicola x

georgina said...

the cards are so pretty, very delicate, luv Georginaxx

Josephine said...

Beautiful results. Thanks for sharing them.

Bee and Dee said...

Beautiful cards Debbie really likes thes images (stamps) when she has a day off we will come to the shop. Bee

AliMayes said...

Those stamps are fabulous as are what you made with them - whoever wins will be so lucky! Thanks for the letters and off I hop.

Evelyn C said...

stunning cards and what wonderful stamps to work with - you have a fantastic blog and have now becomea follower hope thats ok - got my letters and off to finish my bloghop x

marysanders123 said...

Debbie your colors just work so wonderfully together. What beautiful thngs you have created for the blog hop. Look forward to visiting more often.

Artyjen said...

Lovely cards....I think the matted shapes really sets off those fairy images.

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Lovely fairies!

Suzanne said...

Love them - they are beautiful.
Suzanne x

Charlotte said...

Love the colours you have used! Very pretty and 'girly'!

Vixykins said...

The purple one is one of my favs from that sheet, its stunning as is the bling maiden with the purply pink corners :D

Unknown said...

Debbie the cards are stunning. Off to hop onto the next blog or I will not sleep today lol

kandistar said...

Aghhhh wow, I am obsessed with fairies, and your card are beautiful, wish you lived close so my husband could buy the pink one from you for my birthday in 3 weeks lol. Gorgeous! hopity hop i feel like doing the bunny hop lol, on I go! *Candace*

Glennis F said...

Such lovely images, and you have used them beautifully. Thanks for the chance of winning

Nicjay said...

Lovely cards. I especially like the purple one

Unknown said...

Love your card
Luv Jane xxx

Maria Matter said...

wow, these are gorgeous!!! love the silhouette images and the colors you used!!!
Blessings, Maria

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