Quickest Christmas Card Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday Taggers Let it Snow
Oh Dear mad panic or what!!!!! Do you ever forget anyone with your cards???I really thought I had finished with them until one popped through my door the very last minute!!(I think I still have posting time!well just i hope!!!)
All I can say is thank goodness for my cuttlebug.I embossed the white card alone with the snowflake folder and quickly stamped the tree and embossed with crystal ep.

For the leaves I sprinkled with cosmic shimmer crystal jewels.Must say it goes with todays weather very well.!!!
Also if you scroll down there are more posts on snowflakes!!!much more!!lol

Bye for now
Debbie xxxx


Sally H said...

Stunning! Simple but absolutely perfect!

Christine said...

Hi Debbie, well it might be quick but it is beautiful.
Christine xx

lisa said...

Your card is gorgeous, Debbie. Really frosty. If this is a last minute card, I'm in awe.
Hope your Christmas preparations are going well.
If I don't get to visit again I'd just like to wish you and your family a very Happy christmas and a Peaceful New Year.


Lynne K said...

Quick maybe, but beautiful certainly. Simple but very effective. The snowflake embellishment is perfect.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. xx

maddy hill said...

thank you Debbie for your kind words on my blog .x
I love your card - its very elegant and if it makes you feel any better - i havent even sent any cards yet myself !
ive been a real baaaaaa humbug ! lol
love maddy x

PatR said...

Fabulous and thank you for joining the TT challenge this week.
Merry Christmas xx

Michelle said...

it might be quick Debbie but it's beautiful, a great entry for Tuesday Taggers this week, thanks for playing out at our blog.
Hope 2010 brings you all you would wish for yourself
x Michelle

Unknown said...

I love the simplicity Debbie. A card after my own heart. Thanks for joining us on TT's this week. Emma xx

Anonymous said...

Nice brief and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.

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